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Partnering with Jesus by Practicing Open-Handed Generosity

At Gateway we believe that partnering with Jesus to love people means that, individually and as a community, we generously give our tithes and offerings to Him so others, locally and globally, may see and hear the good news of the Kingdom of God and tangibly experience His love and compassion for themselves.

How do I give generously?

Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to offer our tithes and financially contribute to ministries of Gateway Church.


Weekend services:

Simply place cash or checks in the offering plate during the collection at any weekend service. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope, so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes.


Online giving: 

Gateway offers online giving as a convenient and secure option where you can make a donation or a purchase using a credit or debit card by clicking below on the question mark (see note below for details).


You may also choose to arrange with your bank or credit union to make a onetime gift or an automatic recurring donation directly to Gateway from a checking or savings account. This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service.

By mail: 

Mail your donation to Gateway Church at:


PO Box 20398, Portland, OR 97294


Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes

Give: Give
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