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A Love Lost Valentine's Day Lunch

February 14th at 12pm

Date: February 14th

Time: 12 pm

Place: Gateway Church Conference Room

Details: Join others who have lost their husbands or partners in this time for sharing a meal. RSVP in the church lobby or to Nancy Laney.

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Single and Soaring Valentine's Day Dinner

February 14th at 6 pm

Date: February 14th

Time: 6 pm

Place: Gateway Church Conference Room

Details: Join other single ladies for a provided dinner, Valentine's Bingo, time of prayer and a gift exchange. Bring a $20 gift for the exchange. RSVP in the church lobby.

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Chili Cook Off

February 16th, 4-6 pm

Is your chili the best in the west? Test your cooking skills and taste buds as we enjoy friendly competition, delicious grub and a wonderful time of fellowship. After we taste test and crown a chili champion, we will enjoy live music. 

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Men's Breakfast

March 1st

Join us for a time of fellowship, great food, and an inspiring speaker. The breakfast will take place in MC 129 from 8:30-10:30am on March 1st.

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All Church Birthday Party

March 15th 2-4 pm

Join us as we Celebrate Gateway Church's 70th birthday, and the birthday's of each of you! With special treats, tables for the birthday months and lots of fun to be had, you won't want to miss out! 

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Discovery Brunch

March 23rd at 1 pm

Are you curious about Gateway Church? We'd love to spend some quality time with you answering your questions and sharing about our mission! Reach out to the church office to reserve your spot today!

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Gateway Church Women's Retreat

March 7-9

Gateway Church Women’s  Retreat

March 7-9, 2025

Sponsored retreat by Christian Renewal Center in Silverton, Oregon.

Come and get refreshed and renewed in your walk with God. Eat scrumptious meals, fellowship and worship with other women, relax and create some special moments together. Then, get inspired by guest speaker Heidi Graham who will be sharing about God’s Grace for every season.

The cost $160 for two nights, six meals, accomodations and all sessions. 

Spaces are limited. Registration and a $50 deposit is required by January 1st, 2025 to secure your spot.

For more specific details and information, visit the sign up table in the church lobby!

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DivorceCare Support Group

New Group Beginning January 8, 2025

DivorceCare is a 13-week, Christ-centered support group seminar that helps you heal from the pain of separation and divorce.  Each session features a video presentation on topics like anger, loneliness and forgiveness.  You can join the sessions at any time.  

The group meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Ministry Center of Gateway Church.

For more information call our church office or visit our group page at

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GriefShare Support Group

New Group Beginning January 26, 2025

GriefShare is a 13-week, Christ-centered support group seminar for people who have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend through death.  Each session features a video presentation on topics like comfort, answers and hope.  You can join the sessions at any time.  The group currently meets on Sundays at 3pm in the Ministry Center of Gateway Church.

For more information and location information call our church office or visit our group page at

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Senior Exercise Class

Mondays and Thursdays, 2-3pm

We will meet in the Ministry Center.  Exercises include chair and standing exercises.  Come and bring your friends.  You will need two 1 pound weights, soup cans or other means to create the weights.  Water bottles work great too!

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Martial Arts Classes

Wednesday Evenings

Free Martial Arts Classes for those ages 8-18, from 3:30-4:45 pm, and then for the whole family from 5-6:15 pm. 

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Creative Touch

Looking for somewhere to flex your artistic muscles? Join Creative Touch, a time to work on crafting projects, share snacks and enjoy fellowship. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Monday's of each month, with drop in time from 9am-12pm, in the conference room of the Ministry Center.

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Eyeglass Donations

Do you have old prescription eyeglasses just sitting in the back of a drawer collecting dust? Give them second life and help those in need by donating them to Global Eyeglass Ministry. There is a box in the lobby of the Ministry Center for your donations. If you attach your email to the glasses the ministry will even send you an update when they are paired with someone!

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