About Us
Sundays at 10:30am
Sundays at 9:00am
Sundays at 10:30am

Our Vision
Enjoying God
At Gateway, we get lost in the love of God. His love, according to Scripture, had no beginning and has no end because love is at the very center of the heart of our Trinitarian God. His love is seen in the awesome creation around us, in the beauty of each day, the laughter of a child and the delicious food we savor at every meal. So much of what we enjoy on a daily basis reflects His love and care for us.
The ultimate demonstration of His passionate love for us is found in Jesus’ incarnation, His crucifixion, burial and resurrection from the dead. Jesus did all of this so that we could experience forgiveness of our sins, a grace-filled and deep relationship with the Father and new life from the Holy Spirit who transforms us and changes us from the inside out. Because of His great love for us, we can love Him and enjoy Him forever.
Encouraging Others
We all come from different places, have different experiences and are facing different and unique circumstances. Some of us are newer followers of Jesus while others have walked with Him for years. We are all at different places in this common journey called life. And that is why at Gateway we put others above ourselves, generously give love, acceptance and forgiveness and try to be encouragers to everyone we meet. And we want everyone to find strength, guidance, wisdom and a deep relationship with God through reading and applying His ultimate love story, the Bible, to their lives. By loving and encouraging each other, those who have yet to respond to His love will see Him more clearly and know what it means to follow Jesus.
Engaging the World
God’s love is not only compelling, but it also compels us to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God and others. His love, demonstrated in the gospel, causes us to look at all people as image bearers of God, artistically created by Him and deeply loved. Because all people matter to Him, we seek to tangibly love the world, through acts of open-handed generosity and the sacrificial giving of our time and energy for the benefit of others. We live this out by offering to our neighbors, friends and family ministries that focus on blessing the homeless, serving single parents and two income families, offering counseling to those who need guidance and a listening ear, supporting those in difficult and abusive relationships and tutoring children at a local elementary school. We also support a number of tenderhearted Global Partners who energetically and tirelessly partner with Jesus to love people all over the world.
Our Leadership

Tom Schiave
Lead Pastor
Tom and Kathy have ministered in a variety of churches. When not spending time with their daughter Dawn and their granddaughter Aubree, Tom and Kathy can be found hiking in the Gorge, watching the waves at the Oregon Coast or taking in a movie at one of the area’s theaters. Tom’s heart desire is that everyone, compelled by God’s love, would become a follower of Jesus who enjoys a growing relationship with Him, encourages others on their journey and engages in ministry inside and outside the Church. He also likes to play golf, eat a good plate of pasta, and walk to the mailbox with Aubree.

Ruth Yasui
Director of Children's Ministry
Ruth was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. Her early life was shaped by her parents ministry with the Portland Hmong Alliance Church and growing up at Gateway Church. After graduation from high school, she completed the nine month program at Northwest Nannies Institute. There she was trained in childhood development, family dynamics, communication, and other classes relating to the direct care for children and families. She has over 15 years experience with children, newborn through junior high. She lives near Powell Butte with her husband and daughter. Most of her days are spent digging in her back yard garden, baking, and reading books to her daughter.

Katelan Hostetler
Director of Youth Ministry
Katelan is our resident “director of wildlife management”, who stays busy keeping up with our crazy fun teens. With a Masters in Counseling, she also works on campus as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She believes deeply in the value of community and connectedness, and is passionate about helping people find wholeness and healing through relationship. Her hope is that our youth discover a safe, welcoming and loving place to be fully themselves here at Gateway.

Matt Singleterry
Director of Worship Arts
Matt is the newest member of our church staff and we are thrilled to have him and his wonderful family, here at Gateway. Matt is a home-grown Portland boy, attended David Douglas High School and received his BA from Warner Pacific College. Matt has extensive experience leading worship in various church settings. Matt loves being part of a team so our worship team has been a great fit for he and his wife, Lisa. When not leading worship, Matt works for Reynolds School District in their Library Sciences program. He also coaches track at Portland Christian School and helps Lisa out in the drama department, as needed. Matt loves sports of all kinds (especially the ones his daughters participate in) and blacksmithing, which is a particularly helpful hobby when his favorite team loses.

Our Beliefs
We acknowledge the Creator-God as our Heavenly Father, infinitely perfect and intimately acquainted with all our ways.
We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, God in the flesh, the object of our worship and the subject of our praise.
We recognize the Holy Spirit as the third member of the Trinity, incessantly at work convicting, comforting, guiding and gifting.
We affirm our confidence in God’s inspired, authoritative Word. We treasure the truths of the Bible and respect its corrections in our lives.
We confess Adam’s fall into sin left humanity without hope of heaven apart from a spiritual rebirth made possible by the Savior’s death and bodily resurrection.
We believe the offer of salvation is God’s gift to all. Those who accept it by faith alone in Christ, not from good works, become new persons, secure in Him forever.
We anticipate our Lord’s promised return and His kingly rule upon the earth.
We are convinced that all who have died will stand before the Lord and give an account for their lives. Believers will enjoy everlasting communion with God, and unbelievers will suffer everlasting separation from God.
We know the Lord is continuing to enlarge His family, the global church (the body of Christ) over which He rules as Head.
We are grateful to be a part of a church which exists to live in authentic community with one another, to make a difference in our city, to present the story of the gospel through baptism and the Lord’s Supper and to bring people into a vibrant relationship with Jesus.
We believe in the biblical definition of marriage and in the sanctity of life in every phase of a person’s journey on earth.
If you have any further questions regarding our beliefs or policies or would like to see our doctrinal statement, please contact the church office at (503) 252-1435